C.I.E.,Jch.SK, CZ, MultiCH., Club.CH KCHLS and RK CZ, Grand.CH CZ - Be Famous Gold of Falcon Claw - stud dog
Coudy 7 a 1/2 týdny/ Coudy 7 and 1/2 weeks
Coudy 6 měsíců starý / 6 months old
Coudy 2 years
narozený/ date of birth: 1.7.2018
co-owner/spolumajitel: Eva Řeháková
teeth complete, scissor bite/ plnochrupý, skus nůžkový, height/výška: 58 cm
eyes: clear + GONIO 1/2025
HD: 0/0 (A), ED: 0/0 OCD megativ, BVA HD 6:6
PRA1 - PRA2 clear - PRA/PRCD
ICT: clear, ICT2: clear
GRMD: clear
teeth complete, scissor bite
matka/mother: Annelie Falcon Claw
otec/ father: Heartbeat Famous Gold
CZ: BOB baby, BIS baby, BIS puppy, 3x CAJC, 2x BOB juior,2x res.CAC, 11x CAC, 2x Prag winner Club show KCHLS 2019, 2020 (the best dog), 3x BOS, 2x CACIB, 5x BOB, 4x CC, Regional club winner RK CZ, Vysočina winner Club show KCHLS (the best dog), Club winner RK CZ Kelč 2020, Winner of special show RK CZ Kelč 2020, BIG2, BIS
SK: 4x CAJC, Junior club winner SK 2019, 3x BOB junior, res.BIS junior, CRUFTS nomination 2020, 3x CAC, 4x res.CAC, 1x res.CACIB, BIS honour Club show SRK
PL: 5x CWC, 4x the best male, CACIB, 3x BOS, BOB
HU: 4x CAC, 2x res.CAC, res.CACIB
DE: 2x ex.1 AnW.Dtch.VDH - CAC, 2xCAC (GRC), CACIB, res.CACIB, the best dog + BOS (special show GRC)
BiH: 4x CAC, 2x res.CACIB, Summer winner, BOB, BIG2
- junior champion of Slovakia
- CRUFTS 2020 nominations
- Grand prix Slovakia junior winner 2019
- junior champion of Czech republic
- Prag winner (the best dog club show KCHLS) 2019
- the third best show dog of the year 2019 (KCHLS club)
- Slovakia champion
- Vysočina winner KCHLS 2020 (the best dog club show KCHLS)
- Club winner RK CZ Kelč 2020
- Winner of special show RK CZ Kelč 2020
- Prag winner (the best dog club show KCHLS) 2020
- Champion of Czech republic
- Best in show Club show KCHLS Praha - Džbán 2020
- Champion of Poland
- Club champion KCHLS
- Club champion RKCZ
- CRUFTS qualification and for year 2022
- Grand champion of CZ
- Champion of Bsnia and Herzegovina
- Champion of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Champion of Hungary
- Deutscher Champion (VDH)
- BIS progeny group Regional club show Královice 2022
- BIS progeny group Club show Královice 2022
- Inter show champion - C.I.E.
- BIS honour club show SRK 2024
OVVR Větrný Jeníkov - 232 bodů, plný počet, aport se zvěří, vítěz zkoušek/winner of trial
KPZ Sloveč III. cena - 197 bodů
průkaz původu/ pedigree: ZDE